Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Economic Development Meeting is about survival

There is a task force that is working on the question of Economic Development for the city of Hartsville. This is a fairly large task force and we just had a meeting on Monday, which was a good way to start August.

It is always a bit exciting to discuss the things that might come to be with a focused effort. Always, the students at Coker, the students at GSSM, the students at HHS when asked what we need in Hartsville say CHICK FIL A and we spent a good bit of discussion time wondering how to gain some attention from those who establish new Chick-Fil-A operations around the Southeast.

And, we also spent some time reminding ourselves that Hartsville has a strong base from which to work on these questions. When you compare the Hartsville downtown to other small-city downtowns around the state you can see there is a foundation. And, as a foundation you can then notice that people will and do invest their money in their dreams for prosperity in Hartsville. Frogmores, for example, just opened a fine-dinging establishment. A few weeks ago a new jewelry store opened its doors in our downtown. The weekend brings activities, like Hartsville Idol, which will have a rare two-night event this Friday and Saturday.

These new businesses and activities add to the businesses and activities that have made Hartsville different from other towns our size. And, as the Mayor mentioned during this meeting, a quick drive through other small towns will quickly show you why we see such potential in Hartsville. But, without those who have dreams of what can prosper Hartsville can quickly become those small, getting-smaller towns that dot the landscape all over the South and all over America. Economic development is an activity that needs our constant attention as community builders. Taking advantage of the uniqueness that is our small city is also something that will help keep those dreamers coming and keep the dreamers who have invested thinking about expanding in this city. So, if you ever think, "I wonder how I can help?" a great way is to visit and buy at a Hartsville business and then find those who are working on ideas and add some of your own input. Enhancing quality of life in small communities is a daily chore.

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