Thursday, March 05, 2009

Because what you do does make a difference...

Scottie O'Neal, one of the most effective advocates for people with other-abilities, that I have known shared the following with his extensive email list. I thought there were many good ideas in Scottie's writing and wanted to share these because in these times we need builders and there are words here to build by:

From Scottie (Wheelsone) O'Neal:
At Disability Advocacy Day at the Statehouse yesterday, I got a sense of unhappiness from so many people maybe due to their situations or maybe just the state of our current world. I wanted to shared some thoughts of encouragement with everyone in the hope they can remind us to always remember we are all human.

Sometimes admitting our weakness is the bravest thing we can do. Because with that admission, we drop our shield of pretense, find the courage to face reality, and reach out for the help we need. They say that the first step on the road to recovery is the hardest. But while the road is not always an easy one, recovery offers you a new chance to learn to love yourself, your family, and life. It takes time to get adjusted to a new way of living and to learn to enjoy the peacefulness that recovery offers. There will be times when we feel anxious, and that's normal. But you deserve to live in love and happiness, and there is no greater gift you could give yourself.

I have heard following words before and I hope that they speak to you as they have me. You will be whatever you resolve to be. Determine to be something in the world, and you will be something. The words "I cannot", will never accomplished anything. But "I will try" has worked wonders.

We all need to be generous with our kind words. Words can be the doorbell that gains us entry into a heart. They can light up a life through the windows of the soul. Words can bring rays of hope that can even create miracles when you say them to someone who needs them most. Words can be our own security blanket that makes us feel safe from harm. They're the pillow where our dreams sleep and wait to come true. They are stored in the memory so they can be recalled, like a raft that appears out of the blue.

Words can be the alarm clock to our psyche, our sleep enhancer, and our wake-up call. They can shake us to our senses and move us to a different place. They're the candle that lights our fire to keep us from giving up, and they can save us in the midnight hour when we're about to lose the race. Whether negative or positive, they're the secret to creation. They're life to those who say them; listen to your words today. Like a seed that becomes a flower, a word reproduces after its own kind. What are you calling into being by the words you choose to say?

Words can be the catalyst to change someone's life. Are you using your power to help someone along the way? Kindness takes so little effort, and words can mean so much, so let's all use our vocabulary to love someone today.

For many of us we sometimes forget our humanity. For me the sole meaning of life is to serve humanity. Doing good to others is not a duty. It is a joy, for it increases your own health and happiness. When you feel you have nothing to do, you should look and see if there isn't something close at hand that you can improve. It may just make you wealthy, though it is more likely it will make you happy. Just as I have, I know that many of you will find as you look back on your life, that the moments that stand out are the moments when you have done things for others. Each of us should make it a rule to never lie down at night without being able to say, "I have made one person at least a little wiser, a little happier, or a little better this day."

Each of us can only expect to pass through this world but once. Any good thing, therefore, that we can do or any kindness we can show to any fellow human being, we should do it now. We should not defer nor neglect it, for we shall not pass this way again. There is no turning back time, all we have is right now. I will close with the following and I hope that these words have spoken to your heart and stay with you.

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. Because it does."
"You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you."

It is with much love and caring that I share a glimpse of my soul with you. I hope that you have a great day and remember kindness starts with you.
Please pass this on to anyone you feel may need a pick-me-up.

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