Friday, June 08, 2012

Does Hartsville have "Boomtown" tools?

Admittedly, I sift out a lot of what I might consider "noise" when it comes to my own view of the world; especially my view of my Hartsville, SC world. Mostly I only listen for the potential, not the problems.

 I like Hartsville and have lived and grown here since 1973.  I get the warm, fuzzy feeling when hearing visitors describe the sense of community they FEEL as they visit our town.

I feel a little adrenaline rush when I discuss the possibilities inherent in this community. I get really excited when talking to a person who started her business here about 9 years, eight months ago and now is planning a major Art/Prom/Music event for the TENTH Anniversary.

A conversation with the Mayor about how we might find a way to develop a walking connection between the ample parking on College Avenue and the retail stores on Carolina Avenue and maybe be able to create business incubator space pumps up my thinking.

Another conversation with a visionary entrepreneur who puts his money where his heart is sets off more sparks about a downtown that can not only be quaint but thriving.

A look at the Coker College plans for immediate growth within our community shows how Hartsville can be a real college town and the new Loft residences downtown with the even newer college apartments opening this Fall shows how those plans are quickly becoming realities.

My answer to the question -- Does Hartsville have Boomtown tools is by now obvious. What are Boomtown tools? Jack Schultz, author of the 2004 book, BOOMTOWN USA, The 71/2 Keys to Bug Success in Small Towns gives the tool list. They are the 71/2 Keys:
  1. Adopt a Can-Do Attitude
  2. Shape Your Vision
  3. Leverage Your Resources
  4. Raise up Strong Leaders
  5. Encourage an entrepreneurial approach
  6. Maintain local control
  7. Build your brand  and 71/2 -- Embrace the Teeter-Totter Factor
The plan is to sort of use the Schultz approach for this blog to discuss Hartsville's possession of these keys to success. What would be really great would be for anyone who might read this posting to contribute some of your own comments to the question of Hartsville's readiness for real growth and prosperity.


  1. Certainly, Hartsville is ready! Holy Buckets! If not Hartsville, what place is? Eighteen months ago I came to town without a single blood or bond relationship to stabilize the attachment. I was drawn by work I knew I could do and would like, but the deal was sealed for me when I walked into the IGA on Carolina Avenue on a warm winter morning (a treat in itself), closed my eyes, and listened to laughter as pretty as any Christmas bells I've ever heard.

    If Boomtown has 7 1/2 keys, Hartsville has a dozen!

    Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours!
