Sunday, June 29, 2008
It takes a lot of people to nurture a community
And, right now it is Sunday afternoon and as I passed the Center Theater, an 800+ seat community venue in downtown Hartsville, the lights were shining and the marquee boasted of the Butler Heritage Foundation Gospel Fest that is kicking off a week of activities for the Butler Heritage Foundation.
Have you looked around lately? There is a lot going on in this town.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Notes about Selling Hartsville
The email
The Byerly Foundation has been acting as the lead organization in the Selling Hartsville initiative (only because it is easy for us to span organizational boundaries) . Participation is wide open. While this effort was started separately, it is an integral part of the updated comprehensive plan for the city. We think the more people involved and the more projects that are identified with The Art of Good Living, the more successful will be the effort. We have some major target audiences for this ongoing effort:
The recruiting task force is working on a program that will develop a process so that people who are being offered employment in the area will have an opportunity to get a view and hear a view of living in Hartsville before they do what many have been doing, and opt for Florence. A major reason for this effort is the high number of families employed in the Hartsville area but living in other areas, particularly Florence.
A second major audience for this effort are those of us who live in what we generally refer to as the Greater Hartsville area. Many are often complaining that there is nothing to do in Hartsville, that there is no place to shop in Hartsville, that there is no opportunity in Hartsville. We have to find a way to get the word out that when it comes to interesting, dynamic small cities in the South, Hartsville is up there with the best -- but at the same time we have to keep working to improve this product that we are touting with the the theme, Hartsville -- The art of good living.
The third major audience for this selling Hartsville concept are those others who live in the Pee Dee who would really want to come over and spend some of their money. The publisher of SHE magazine has told me she has readers from all over the Pee Dee who rave about the unique shopping experiences they have in Hartsville. If you look at a weekend in Hartsville, you will see things like Little Miss South Carolina beauty pagenant and a girls's softball tournament or a horse shoe tournament or like tomorrow night a Downtown music festival -- this one for Rhythm and Blues, the last called Rock the Block. And coming up on July 4 is one of the biggest fire work events in this part of the State, a true back to the "good old days" July 4 festival at Emmanuel. We want people from around the Pee Dee coming here for things to do and to spend some money. (Where else do you get first-run films for $2.50 a ticket?
Another audience will be those who are looking for a nice place to live, a community where there is a friendly spirit, where there are things to do and where you can contribute to life and enjoy life. We want those people thinking Hartsville.
So, that is an overview and we have three major task forces working now, with more as challenges are identified. This is an effort that takes the efforts of lots of people -- one of those things where the only real boundaries are the limit of the imagination and the willingness of people to 'do it.'
The next major task force meeting is August 6 but we have not yet set a place. We generally have the meeting from four to five thirty.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Hartsville has some real strengths...
I make this comment because we had a Selling Hartsville Task Force meeting on Wednesday afternoon and as I looked around the table I was awe struck by those who were giving of their time for this community. The number of people (nearly 30), the quality of their involvement and the enthusiastic spirit is amazing. I am fortunate enough to know of others who work really hard at community building and they would absolutely feel they could conquer the world with the can-do, volunteer spirit that is so often in evidence around Hartsville. Sometimes, we take it for granted that every community has this cadre of people. They do not. Several years ago when Hartsville won the first All-America city designation it was evident the depth and level of caring by community members. While I may be accused of being a modern 'Paul E Anna' (sic) I hope that we realize that the willingness of people to be involved is strength we do not say thank you often enough for in our part of the world.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Standing up Leadership even when you are on the other side
Mayor Bloomberg and the Jews
On Friday, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg stood before some 200 people at the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County to set straight a nasty rumor about Senator Barack Obama, intended to strike fear into the hearts of Jews. The rumor holds that Obama is really a Muslim, who will not support Israeli or even American interests. Bloomberg went to South Florida to tell Jews the real story, and his actions lead to this question: Will each of us stand up when our turn comes?
Over the years Bloomberg has not made it a habit to talk publicly about his Jewish faith or ties to the Jewish community. Nor is he an Obama supporter. He even tested the waters for his own presidential run this year, and he is known to be close to Senator John McCain. But according to The New York Times, Bloomberg told the Palm Beach crowd that the rumors about Obama represent "wedge politics at its worse, and we have to reject it - loudly, clearly and unequivocally."
In Make Hope Real, I dedicated Chapter 3 to what I call, "A New Breed of Leaders," and included Bloomberg among individuals who are exhibiting a new, promising kind of leadership.
"The new leaders are people who have highly pragmatic approaches to policy, who seek to find ways to make public life and politics work rather than to disparage it, who vigilantly look for opportunities to engage people in the ongoing process of governing and improving their lives, who try to avoid hyperbolic and heated rhetoric." (pg 26)
But there was another point in that chapter that I have come to believe is just as important. Over and over again, people in communities have asked me, "How communities can get the leaders they need to make public life and communities work?" My response: We must stand by our good leaders when they come under fire, even when we do not agree with their positions or political party when, to vouch for their principles and values.
That's what Bloomberg did last Friday for Obama. Instead of standing on the sidelines watching people take pot shots at Obama, he stepped forward. He did so because he knew that he held special credibility on this issue with fellow Jews; and he knew that many of the people now living in South Florida once lived in his beloved New York City.
The Times quoted Elizabeth Sadwith of Delray Beach as saying, "There was no other evidence, so I believed the [rumor-filled] e-mails." There are many people across America who might make the same statement; indeed, perhaps my 103-year old grandmother from Brooklyn, who now lives in North Miami, has entertained such thoughts.
Whether or not people end up supporting Obama is their personal business. But whisper campaigns to make people fearful must be fought head-on. Bloomberg has done that, and I gratefully and enthusiastically applaud his actions.
Now, the question for each of is: When a good leader comes under fire, will we stand next to them and vouch for their integrity and good will, even if we do not agree with a particular position or their party?
If we want to change public life and politics, then more of us will need to follow Mayor Bloomberg's lead.
and learn more about this new breed of leaders.
Thinking about momentum
Change is not something for which most people clamor. Most of us really like it when things stay pretty much the same and we don't have to put up with the dissonance brought on by change. Jeanne Robertson, a well-know professional public speaker from North Carolina, used to have a line she used in her talks, "People don't change until the pain of change is less than the pain of staying the same." When you think about community building you naturally have to think about change and how to make it happen for the public good.
In Hartsville we are thinking about some major change as we try to determine how to make the positive living in Hartsville experience more visible to potential residents before they make the resident-location decision. To recap, we lose a lot of people who work in Hartsville to another nearby area that is perceived as a larger city with more "to do." We are working on Selling Hartsville with the change proposition -- Hartsville -- The Art of Good Living. Just a few minutes ago I heard someone on NPR quoted as saying they wanted 'that guy in Portland to be quiet, we don't want to share the Portland secrets with the rest of you...' was the jist of the statement. We have some in Hartsville who probably feel that way but we also have a good many volunteers in Selling Hartsville who are enthused about finding ways to bring in new neighbors and friends to this dynamic, cosmopolitan small community.
And, that brings me the question of the 3As in Community Building. This effort at Selling Hartsville is a boundary spanning effort that encompasses just about any organization you can think of. We have a lot of action happening. We have a lot of momentum building. We are using authority for this effort from months of listening to community members saying this is something that needs to be done. The listening is paying off in the variety of people from all areas of the town who are helping build this program.
Accountability gets a little cloudier in the Selling Hartsville program. During one group meeting the facilitator suggested that those who wanted to make this happen start working to make it happen and the selling process would begin to happen. We are moving and we are holding ourselves accountable in the various task forces. We are hoping to be so transparent that in a short time the residents of the city begin to discuss accountability and begin to ensure this process takes off.
As a community project the question of authenticity is at every turn. But, again, with a commitment to be open, with a desire for as much involvement as possible and with so much to be gained on so many levels, the question of authenticity of motive and authenticity of action is open for the assessment of any who want to view or to join.
At the same time, it appears to me as we all think about community building and positive change to make Hartsville one of the best places in the world in which to live, we have to be certain that we are holding ourselves and others to the principles inherent in the 3As of authenticity, authority and accountability. Failing to establish those basic foundations will stall any real progress toward getting the world to recognize Hartsville as a town that understands and practices The art of good living.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Sometimes, I think it is how you frame a situation
Hartsville has a progressive, interested and active planning commission. This group took on the responsibility of updating the city's comprehensive plan to make it a living plan that the City Council could use as a roadmap for growth. Plan updates are required by law but the planning commission went beyond the requirements and invested this update with an opening vision for Hartsville in 2020 -- and this is the first vision anyone has laid out for the community in over a decade. City Council has accepted the plan and continues to search for ways to make the plan an integral part of the way they move the city forward.
There was a news article written about a recent meeting of city department heads with the city manager and head of the planning commission that was a sort of plan update. As everyone knows, the economy is in tough shape, prices for key commodities like fuel are out of sight and the city gets a great deal of its funding from taxes. So, there is a budget focus. The headlines from the meeting were that the comprehensive plan could be stalled because this is a tough budget year. So, I am thinking about framing. It is a tough budget year. My experience with government is that every year is a tough budget year. It seems to me that the most useful frame to put around an updated comprehensive plan is something to the effect -- We are in a tough budget year it is good we have this plan to help us sort out some of the priorities so can move forward even in a tough budget year. The way the story was reported (the reporter got it right) was that because this is a tough budget year it might not be all that possible to really work on implementing the plan at this time.
It seems to me that putting a frame around the plan that identifies the plan as an important tool for continued growth of the city despite budget woes would be more effective than applying brakes because it is a "Year of the budget."
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Dynamic time to be living in Hartsville
By the way, one of the takes on that famed Chinese proverb is "May you live in interesting times."
What am I talking about?
- In downtown Hartsville today there is a major project to help alleviate the problem of the occasional flooding that takes place when we have HUGE downpours. That will strengthen perception of downtown.
- Within the city today will be hundreds of visitors coming for the Little Miss South Carolina pageant. Every day thousands of non-city residents visit the area to work, to shop, to attend special events, to attend college or for some other reason. We get lots of visitors even though Hartsville is not exactly on anyone's 'beaten path.' (
- Any trip out to Byerly Park will demonstrate the dynamism that is part of the city. There are new fields under construction as people walk to get in shape around the 1.2 mile track or run to get in shape around the quarter-mile competition track.
- Check the meeting schedules of those who help maintain this city and you will see a wide variety of meetings with packed agendas. The comprehensive plan, recently approved by city council, and constructed by more than 60 volunteer citizens in countless meetings, sets out a vision for the city that is requiring connections to be made that are ways of making things happen, but they are not business as usual. In fact, the message that Vern Myers, who is chair of the planning commission, carried to the city department heads on Tuesday was that there are groups of citizens looking for opportunities to help the city make things happen.
- Many downtown shops are becoming destinations for shoppers from around the Pee Dee. Yes, people are coming to Hartsville to shop.
- At the end of this month there is another downtown music event scheduled using the big, portable city stage. While not exactly on the heels of 'Rock the Block' this event is hoping to continue that momentum. And, within the next week will be on the largest Fourth of July fireworks events ( in the eastern part of South Carolina
- There are a couple of new neighborhoods under construction and those of us living in the city are really anxious for more real-city neighbors.
- The selling Hartsville project is exciting. Three major task forces are working on three crucial elements of this project -- Marketing -- City Legacy Entrances -- Recruiting and these volunteers are demonstrating the specifics of "Hartsville - The Art of Good Living."
- Speaking of the art of good living, we have a fund raiser, photo exhibit scheduled for Black Creek Arts Council and photographers can enter up to three photos @ $15 each for showing. There are a lot of photographers taking advantage of this opportunity to show their work.
- This list could be much longer but it is already too long for a blog.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Visitor Survey
Compiling the information from the questionnaires is not difficult but it is time consuming. At the same time, this could prove a very useful tool in information gathering. This post was essentially to discuss the visitor survey tool but for those who are still interested, the report that was sent to the Marketing Task Force follows:
June 16, 2008
Nice, Very nice community
Nice town
Nice quaint, somewhat abandoned
Nice downtown area
Beautiful town
Very friendly
Friendly, quiet
Nice place, small
Old timey, quiet
Love the shopping, Love little miss
Nice – Quiet
It’s a nice place
Nice Community
Very nice
Very nice town
Beautiful Community
Pretty place, well maintained
Very nice city
Nice friendly place (1)
Very pretty town
Sweet, clean, nice little town, I love small towns
Beautiful progressive city
Quaint community
Great town, had a great time
Very nice
Very nice
Nice town
I like it
It is nice
Friendly, old historic town
Nice community
Nice community
All right – need better & more hotel choices
Nice Town
Very nice small town
Sweet, quaint
Nice, Quaint
Very quaint town, Interesting
Clean and quaint
Very quaint, great shoping
Very nice
Love it (2)
Very pretty
Calm and beautiful
Cute little town
Nice (6)
Beautiful country side
Friendly people
Beautiful town
Very friendly
Hometown life
Very clean
Nice people
Very sweet and quaint
Love what I have seen
Great (11)
Very Nice and welcoming
Very nice and beautiful
Seems a very nice place to work and live and play
Beautiful town (9)
Nice town (5)
The people here are very friendly
Pretty place, nice people
Beautiful city
Beautiful place
Monday, June 16, 2008
Hartsville, the Art of Good Living - Summary
Hartsville, the Art of Good Living

