Saturday, December 15, 2012

Things like that are not supposed to happen Newtown

Still reeling from that shooting news.

I know I am not alone as the President's comments in his radio address this morning will attest.

People in Newtown, CT say "things like that aren't supposed to happen here." When these things happen and people make that comment we all need to realize THINGS LIKE THAT should not be happening anywhere.  But they do!

So, do we act or do we stagnate in helplessness?

As much as that question seems a proverbial "no brainer" all who are involved in regular thinking about "community thinking" know that stagnation is likely to be the answer.
         1 -- We have to contend with human nature (that is not easy to change)
         2 -- We have to contend with the politics of the second amendment
         3 -- We have to contend with the horror of the experience and the desire to hope it will pass      without a lot of discussion.
         4 -- Will Newtown, CT be the tipping point in Americans taking a closer look at who we really are or will we await something just a bit more horrific?
         5 -- Can we answer the question of why, even a crazy person, thinks this kind of violence is a means to their ends.

It is easy to see why most of us are going to take a Scarlett O'Hara approach to this problem -- and "think about it tomorrow."